Books-to-Go Delivery Program
Can't get to the library? Our homebound delivery program will keep you reading!
How to participate in the program:
The Lee County Libraries’ “Books-to-Go” Homebound Delivery Program brings library materials on a monthly basis to residents of the Sanford who are unable to leave their home due to a permanent or a temporary illness or injury that will last for six weeks or more. Library staff selects books, in original print format or large print format, according to the preferences of the homebound library user.
The program is open to qualifying Lee County, NC, residents; regardless of age, with library cards in good standing. Qualifying residents are those who are confined to a residence by a condition such as illness or injury that restricts their ability to leave their place of residence except with the aid of a supportive device such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs or walkers and has no access to transportation.
Interested residents will need to fill out a “Books-to-Go” Homebound Patron application. Qualifying applicants may select one of two “Books-to-Go” program options:
Option 1: In Library Pick Up
A person designated by the applicant will pick up a bag of preselected materials prepared by library staff on a designated date once a month.
Option 2: Home Delivery
Library staff and volunteers will deliver up to fifteen (15) preselected materials to the qualifying residents’ home, nursing home, retirement community or supervised living facility on a designated date once a month.
Deliveries will be made at the door; staff and volunteers will not enter private residences. Participants of the program agree to allow the library to maintain records of reading history. Participants will have extended due dates and will not be charged fines on materials. They will, however, be responsible for the replacement cost of damaged or lost items. Staff and volunteers have the right to terminate delivery services if the environment where delivery is to be made is deemed dangerous or unsuitable for their safety and wellbeing. The Library can request that a participant in the program be required to send in a new application to verify that they are still qualified to participate in the program, or forfeit their right to further participation in the program.
To apply, please fill out the attached form and return it to the library :